A Simple Explanation of the Intricate Structure of Photons in the Universe Using Galaxies
When we look at the night sky, we observe beautiful luminous points that occasionally flicker and alter their brightness. However, when viewed through a telescope, these points reveal themselves not merely as individual stars but as galaxies or even clusters of galaxies.
Just as a distant galaxy appears as a single luminous point from afar, photons remain imperceptible to the naked eye due to the vastly smaller scale of their universe. It seems that within the realm of thought and imagination, one can visualize the structure of a photon as being similar to that of a galaxy.
[2] Saleh, Gh. "A new explanation for universe structure." APS Prairie Section Meeting Abstracts. 2022.
[4] Saleh, Gh. "The Unseen World of Photon." Saleh Theory, 16 Jul. 2017, https://www.saleh-theory.com/article/the-unseen-world-of-photon