A great revolution in producing affordable, abundant, convenient and clean energy so that one kilogram of it, could supply the power of moving a machine for years
Nowadays, about 90% of our appliances are electron-dependent. It can be said that the moving electron has a high ability to do work. All we know, the speed of electron in wires is close to the speed of light, but another effective parameter that makes electron have a very high ability to perform various tasks is its density: ?=me/Ve??=9?10^?31/2.19?10^?44 = 4.1?10^13 (kg/m^3) It can be said that the product of velocity (s) in density (?) is an effective parameter in the high ability of electron to do work. Eff=?s Now we calculate the energy of "n" electrons to do the work: En=1/2 ms^2 En=n[1/2?s(sV)] n=?m/me Where ?m is the mass changes of the source before and after doing the work and me is the mass of one electron. So: En=?m/me[1/2 Eff sVe] s?3?10^8(m/s) Ve=2.19?10^?44(m^3) Now by placing the density and speed of electron to calculate the energy of 1 gram of electrons: En?10^13 j For 1 kg of electrons, we have: En?10^16 j Now, consider a 2-ton car. It requires about 10^9 j energy to travel 100 km. Therefore 1 kg of electrons can easily provide the energy to travel more than 500,000 km. In this article we will explain the different applicable ways to produce such Electron Tank.

American Physical Society