A New Calculation of the Speed of Objects in Nested Paths in the Universe
Given that each moon orbits around its planet and each planet orbits around its central sun, the combination of orbits 1 and 2 creates a helical pathway for a moon. If a star's orbit around its central galactic black hole, which is a closed curve path, is added to the moon's path, the final path will be a combination of paths 1, 2, and 3. And, the path of moon will be a nested helical orbit. But celestial objects have different speed at different orbits. to calculate the total velocity of objects in these helixes, we have used the following method: Resultant velocity = Sum of the velocities in helical paths + Linear velocity (speed in biggest orbit) In this paper we will explain more about this theory, drive a formula for calculation of speed of objects in nested paths in the universe and give some real examples.

American Physical Society