
A New Description for the Creation of Galaxies in the Universe

If we look at an atom, they have a center called the nucleus and an electron that revolves around it. In solar systems, the sun is in the middle and the planets revolve around it. Therefore, it can be said that the basis of the structure of galaxies is the presence of a black hole in its center. It is worth mentioning that one of the methods of creating black holes is the end of the life of stars that have enough mass. These are created by the explosion of stars. But considering that the density of Big Bang is 1042(kgm3) and the density of a black hole is about 1018(kgm3) , it can be said that billions of black holes were created at the beginning of the universe and can be the basis for the creation of galaxies. In this article we will present more reasons regards.

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Authors Saleh, Gh.
Publish Date 18 March 2024
Present Poster
Abbreviation JPS-SM 2024

Physical Society of Japan

A New Description for the Creation of Galaxies in the Universe Download PDF A New Description for the Creation of Galaxies in the Universe Play video
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