
A New Explanation for Space and Whether It Is Unlimited or Limited

Undoubtedly, the observed matter in the current universe has a beginning and an end; in other words, it has a starting point and a finishing point. Interestingly, the quantity of this matter remains constant (the principle of the conservation of energy). Since the Big Bang, matter and particles have transformed but have not disappeared; they change into various forms, such as cosmic dusts that transform into stars and celestial objects. However, it is crucial to understand that the principle of the infinitude of space than the finitude of matter is valid. In other words, we refer to filled space as matter and vacuum as space. Given the constancy of matter and the infinitude of space, it can be said that changes in matter result in time changes, but there is no well-known concept of space changes. Since empty space (vacuum) is zero and whether any number multiplied by zero remains zero. From the beginning, there has been empty space, while finite and constant matter appears at a point like the universe and disappears. Therefore, changes occur in matter, but in empty space, there is a long silence and imperceptible changes in the universe. Generally, if matter moves within a closed system and has a frequency or oscillation, time can be said to be defined in that system. Essentially, time is a parameter dependent on changes in matter within an infinite space.

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Authors Gh. Saleh, M. J. Faraji, A. R. Bina
Publish Date 13 September 2024
Present Oral
Abbreviation ASJ-A-2024

Astronomical Society of Japan

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