A new explanation for the color variety of Photons and the continuous coordination between wavelength, amplitude and frequency
Physicists have always used the existing coordination between the phenomena of the universe to discover the relationships and advance the Science. Discovering the nature of light and its movement is one of these important phenomena which Saleh Theory has proposed a helical motion for photons. In Saleh Theory the photon is a particle with constant rest mass which has 3 dimensional motion that rotates around its central axis with a radius R while it is moving. In Saleh theory the distinction of spectrums is due to the gyroradius; and its changes induce the colorfulness. In fact, the increase of the gyroradius means reciprocally the widening of the wavelength. For example, the long wavelength (?) of the red spectrum is a result of the high value of its gyroradius r, while for the blue spectrum, it's the opposite. In Saleh Theory the intensity of light is equal to the total number of photons in area unit and the amplitude is the same as the gyroradius. In this paper, we will explain in detail the existing coordination and relationships between wavelength, amplitude, frequency, light intensity and gyroradius in Saleh Theory, which is a compelling reason to prove this theory.

American Physical Society