A New Explanation for the Frequency of Electromagnetic Waves and the Explanation of the Redshift, Blueshift, High Shift and Low Shift Phenomena in the Universe
We have a phenomenon in the universe, blueshift and redshift, which is the same change in frequency due to changes in the speed of the light source. So, for example, we perceive a green light source that approaches us as blue, or we perceive it as red when moves away from us. In fact, this change of green light is caused by the speed of its source. This phenomenon is a natural phenomenon that the eye, telescope or any observer actually perceives, but it is not real. In this paper we are going to explain the frequency of electromagnetic waves from different view. On the other hand we will show that if the speed of light sources, which are actually the same galaxies, is 0.2 to 0.3 of the speed of light, we have the redshift and blueshift phenomena, but if the speed is higher than 0.3 of the speed of light, we will have "high shift" and "low shift".

American Physical Society