A New Explanation for the Repeating Nested Helical Path of Motion; from the Smallest Particles of Existence, Photons, to Moons, Planets, Stars, Galaxies, etc.!
Celestial objects have a specific orbital path, such as the orbital path of Moon around the Earth, the orbital path of Earth around the Sun, and the Sun in the Milky Way galaxy. All of them are a simple closed curved path. But, in the real universe, these paths combine with each other willy-nilly. In other words, since the Moon's motion depends on the Earth, the Earth's motion depends on the Sun, and the Sun's one depends on the central black hole of the Milky Way galaxy, the Moon should have a combined path. The combination of the 1st and 2nd orbits could form a simple helical path. If the third orbit is also added, the combination of these 3 orbital motions creates a complex helical path for the Moon. Therefore, it can be said that all celestial objects have a simple or complex helical path. As an instance we have explained the captured images from the Hubble and James Webb telescopes. In this paper we have explained that these images represent a galaxy with a complex helical motion path and our prediction is that one of the illuminated rings is missing in this image. As a result, we will prove that all moving objects in the universe, from photons to galaxies, clusters, etc., have the repeating nested helical path of motion.

American Physical Society