A New Explanation on Space-Time Curvature Using Mathematical and Physical Equations of Magnetic and Gravitational Waves
All elements in the periodic table have a similar structure, consisting of nuclei and electrons orbiting the nuclei. The differences between elements lie in their properties, which are determined by the number of electrons, protons, and neutrons they possess, rather than in their structures. Indeed, the structure and constituent particles of all elements in the periodic table are uniform. Similar conditions prevail in the electromagnetic spectrum diagram. Just as humans can easily see the visible region, the edges of the visible spectrum (infrared and ultraviolet) have no structural or consistency differences with visible light. Now, we delve into the examination of the frequency of Magnetism, X-rays, and Gravity, and compare their characteristics and structures: 1. Magnetism: We have obtained the frequency of magnetic waves in ordinary magnets through experimentation, by equating the gravitational potential energy to the energy derived from Planck's energy formula and found the frequency of these waves is between 10^15 Hz to 10^16 Hz. 2. X-rays: X-rays are in the electromagnetic spectrum diagram, with frequencies between 10^16 Hz to 10^17 Hz. 3. Gravity: We have also calculated the frequency of gravitational waves within the Solar System by equating the orbital energy of planets to the energy derived from Planck's energy formula. This frequency is between 10^17 Hz to 10^21 Hz. Magnetism, X-rays, and Gravity are adjacent to each other, having similar structures but differing in frequency. So, as magnetic fields have magnetic fluxes, gravitational fields also have gravitational fluxes. Whenever particles, such as photons or even celestial objects at the size of galaxies, are caught in gravitational fluxes, these fluxes influence and cause them to deviate. Therefore, when an object, regardless of its size, is subjected to gravitational fluxes, these fluxes act like hooks, pulling it and shaping its path similar to its own curvature. The deviation of celestial objects by gravitational waves and their alignment in the path of gravitational fluxes can be referred to as space-time curvature. In this article we have define the time and space in different basis.

American Astronomical Society