A New Proof of the Constancy of Photon Mass Using Its Initial Energy
06 March 2025
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A New Proof of the Constancy of Photon Mass Using Its Initial Energy

If we consider electrons, it is clear that the mass of each electron is equal to that of other electrons and remains constant, i.e.:

A New Proof of the Constancy of Photon Mass Using Its Initial Energy

Furthermore, in a uniform environment, the velocity of each electron is identical and constant. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

A New Proof of the Constancy of Photon Mass Using Its Initial Energy

From these two expressions, it follows that the kinetic energy of each electron (1⁄2 meve2) is always a constant quantity. Thus, we can conclude:

A New Proof of the Constancy of Photon Mass Using Its Initial Energy

It is well recognized, as previously discussed in earlier articles, that the electron serves as the genetrix of the photon, acting as its generating source. Consequently, the energy of each photon depends on the energy of its source, or the same electron. Thus, we can state that the initial energy of a photon is a fraction of the initial energy of an electron. Given that the energy of each electron is equal to that of any other electron, it follows that the initial energy of each photon may also be equal to that of other photons. Hence:

A New Proof of the Constancy of Photon Mass Using Its Initial Energy

The constant c is eliminated from the expression, so:

A New Proof of the Constancy of Photon Mass Using Its Initial Energy

The equations above demonstrate that the mass of each photon is equal to that of other photons and remains constant.


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Publish Date 06 March 2025
A New Proof of the Constancy of Photon Mass Using Its Initial Energy Download PDF


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