A new theory to explain the dark energy (based on the Monte Carlo technique)
Sometimes answering the complex questions is much easier than it sounds. In this article, we look at the Dark Energy from a different point of view. First, the energy at the Big Bang moment has been recalculated. This calculation was done by taking into account the density in the initial moments. It indicates that there is much more energy than the result from other calculation methods in the big bang moment. The smaller part of this huge energy is used to create particles, atoms, etc. and the rest has caused a uniform outward movement. The next step is to prove that the universe has two motions; linear and rotating. Linear motion is the expansion of the universe with constant velocity which is because of the residual energy of the Big Bang, and we have proved that we need the rotational motion to have structures, Galaxies, etc. We have proved that due to the absence of an external force in rotational motion, the angular velocity must be constant. So, the only variable factor which affects the tangential velocity is the radius. Therefore, the first motion, the linear one, increases the radius and because of that in the next motion, the rotational one, tangential velocity will increase. The telescopes always detect the increasing velocity of celestial objects that shows the cosmic acceleration as they observe the resultant velocity of these two types of motion.

International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics