Discovering the True Nature of neutrinos
Based on Saleh Theory the photon is the basis of the universe and every structure is made up of photons. The nature of gravitational waves and neutrinos also is the photon and their structure is based on the motion of photons. The high power of gravitational waves and neutrinos is due to their continuous and intertwined structure, which creates its high penetrating power and effectiveness. On the other hand, due to the fact that its frequency is too high and its wavelength is too short, its penetrating power is multiplied. It should be noted that in visible spectrum and lower frequencies, due to absence of intertwined structure, photons act as single particles and their effects are minor and weaker. But in gravitational waves and neutrinos, duo to the continuous and intertwined structure, their effect multiplies hundreds of times, which the higher penetration and effect than other waves can be imagined. In this paper, by explaining the nature of gravitational waves and neutrinos and comparing their features with each other, we will show that Neutrino is the same as gravity and gravity is the same as neutrino.

American Physical Society