
How gravity is created, its models, structure, performance and equations, etc.

If we want to imagine a foundation for the structure of the universe, it is the same stars because the stars are the source of energy and stability. Without stars, planets have no stability. It means the main resource of life in the universe are stars. Stars, in addition to illuminating, heating, etc. are the basis of permanence of solar systems, or someway the life resource and stability of the planets. In fact, it can be said that the source of existence in the universe is the stars, as the ancients used to worship it and honor it very high. If we imagine a model for gravity, it is actually a pulling force from stars to planets. As the existing force started from the stars, it spread among the planets and caused an order that we call it system. For the performances of gravity, we can mention to engine belts, which other parts (planets) are rotated by the central engine (sun). According to this example, it can be said that the source of the gravitational waves are the stars, which trap and rotate the planets in the form of invisible closed rings, and interestingly, these invisible closed rings in the planets also cause attraction on other objects.

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Authors Saleh, Gh.
Publish Date 15 June 2023
Present Oral
Abbreviation ISCMP2023

International Summit on Condensed Matter Physics (ISCMP)

How gravity is created, its models, structure, performance and equations, etc. Download PDF How gravity is created, its models, structure, performance and equations, etc. Play video
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