
Is it physically possible for objects to move faster than light?

Merely looking at the world around us, let us discover that, at the microscopic or macroscopic level, the rotational movement is more remarkable than the other types of movement existing in the Universe. For example, if we observe the electron well, we notice two rotational movements: around itself, and around the core. As far the moon, it turns around itself, around the Earth which rotate about its axis, and also around the Sun. The Sun itself, at the same time, revolves around itself, and around the galactic center. Even our galaxy, the Milky Way, follows the same rule and is simultaneously rotating around itself and around the supposed center of the Universe. In this paper we are going to study the speed of the astronomical objects at the hypothetical edges of the Universe.

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Authors Gh. Saleh
Publish Date 23 September 2019
Present Oral
Abbreviation ICQMNE 2019

Scientific Federation

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