Mathematical and physical proof of the time of beginning and end of the universe, from Big Bang to Big Bang
Considering that the universe was created from the Big Bang phenomenon by a explosion. It can be said that the universe continues to expand after the formation of stars,planets, etc , and the galaxies move away from each other. According to the movements of the universe, which includes rotational motion, which is proved by Hubble's law, and linear motion, which is a motion with negative acceleration, the equations of velocity and motion can be written for the universe . On the other hand, we have calculated the initial energy released from the Big Bang explosion by Monte Carlo technique. Some of this energy is used for creation of the galaxies and stars, which have a mass about 10^53 kg and rest of that used for expansion of universe. In addition, it can be said that the linear velocity of the universe decreases with the passage of time and reaches zero at the end, and at that point when the amount of linear energy becomes zero, the rotational energy reaches its maximum value. So the rotational movement starts from the first point and at the point where linear v is equal to zero, the rotational velocity reaches the maximum value (according to the law of conservation of energy). In this paper, we are going to calculate the time of beginning and end of the universe by using the velocity and motion equations which has written for this type of motion.

German Astronomical Society