
New Calculation of the Time of the Universe from Beginning to End (from Big Bang to Big Bang)

Considering that the universe was created from the Big Bang phenomenon and the Big Bang is an explosive process, it can be said that the universe continues to expand after the formation of stars, and the galaxies move away from each other. According to the motions of the universe which includes the rotational motion that is proved by Hubble's law and that of linear which is a motion with negative acceleration, the equations of motion can be written for the universe. According to the calculations, after 29 billion years from the beginning of the Big Bang, the universe reaches a point of stagnation or a point where its linear velocity becomes zero and the rotational motion reaches its maximum and from that point universe start its back motion toward the center of universe. It can be said that the universe returns to its initial point approximately every 50 billion years. Like a spring that compresses again, or like a planet that revolves around the Sun and returns to its point of origin. The universe therefore has a back and forth motion that repeats itself every 50 billion years. (Cycle period)

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Authors Saleh, Gh.
Publish Date 07 October 2022
Present Oral
Abbreviation APS FWS 2022

American Physical Society

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