New discoveries about the structure of the nucleus of atoms
In the helium nucleus each proton absorbs two neutrons and repels the other proton. In a way, the resultant of these forces is zero, so our structure is stable. given that the repulsion between two protons that is equal to the absorption between an electron and a proton, is much more than the absorption between the neutron and the proton, so it could be concluded that the free space(distance) between two neutrons is about diameter a proton and the free space(distance) between a proton and another proton is about two and a half protons diameter . And the free space(distance) between two protons will be about two and a half times of the distance between two neutrons. In fact, it could be said that the resultant of all attraction and repulsion forces are zero, and in this case, the nucleus of helium has the highest balance and stability. So the nucleus of helium is a symmetric nucleus, and we could place the axes of symmetry in any direction we want. This particular shape itself could explain why the helium is an inert gas. In this paper, we will explain the structure of the nucleus of heavier atoms by using this structure.

Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics