
New Explanation for Light Emission in Lamps

It is obvious that the source of Photons are Electrons. You must notice that in a lamp, when Electrons are passing through Tungsten filament, the Tungsten filament vibrates as well and a high temperature is produced. When Electrons are passing through a tungsten filament, the filament breaks down and some of them explode, causing the photons to separate from the electrons and cause the lamp to light up. On the other hand, we know that in solar radiation which radiate to the Earth, about 80 percent is Photons and the rest of that is Electrons, Protons, etc. So the sun's rays and the Earth itself are the sources of Electrons. And, in fact, the usage cycle of Electrons is from the Sun to the Earth. In this article we have explained these two main point.

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Authors Gh. Saleh
Publish Date 20 September 2022
Present Poster
Abbreviation JSAP-AM 2022

Japan Society of Applied Physics

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