
New Explanation for Structure of Gravity and Its Model by Using Magnetic Field Models

According to the previously articles about calculating the frequencies of magnetic fields and its models, and the submitted experiment that we obtained frequency, energy, etc., ( EB=Se?m(j) ?=S??�m (Hz) Where "EB" is Magnetic Energy, "?" is Magnetic Frequency, "Se" is Saleh Energy constant, "m" is the mass of the magnet in units of grams; "S?" is Saleh Frequency Constant.) Magnetic fields are the same as gravity fields, by a difference that the frequency of gravity fields is higher than the frequency of magnetic fields, so its energy would be higher. (As a small flame is structurally the same as a large flame, it can be said that the structure of gravitational and magnetic fields is the same.) Look at the tides phenomenon on the earth, this phenomenon is the effect of Moon on Earth. The amount of energy required to move due to tides is very high, but the speed of Moon's rotation around the earth does not decrease impressively, and it can be said that this speed is a constant value. In fact, the energy consumed of displacement, friction, etc. has no effect on the speed of Moon, and this is because of the gravitational chain between Moon, Earth and Sun, and the main source of gravity is Sun.

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Authors Saleh, Gh.
Publish Date 09 June 2023
Present Poster
Abbreviation EGM 2023

University of Rhode Island

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