
New explanation for the nature and structure of the nucleus of atoms

Given that each neutron is composed of an electron and a proton and the outer shell of neutron is made of electron, it could be said that the outer shell of a neutron has a negative electric charge or create a negative charge environment around itself and protons can be absorbed by the neutron shell and be attracted towards it. So in the helium nucleus, each proton absorbs two neutrons and repels the other proton. In a way, the resultant of these forces is zero, so our structure is stable. Since the effect of protons on neutrons is less than that of protons on protons, so the free space between two neutrons is almost less than the free space between two protons. Although in the helium nucleus, neutrons and protons are facing each other pairwise, but in terms of height, protons are lower than neutrons. The amount of Coulombic force between protons and neutrons is very small, but the model of placement of neutrons and protons makes the nucleus very stable. In this paper, we will use this structure to describe the nucleus structure of all elements in the Mendeleev's periodic table.

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Authors Gh. Saleh
Publish Date 07 October 2022
Present Poster
Abbreviation APS FWS 2022

American Physical Society

New explanation for the nature and structure of the nucleus of atoms Download PDF New explanation for the nature and structure of the nucleus of atoms Play video
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