
Physical and Mathematical Justification for Calculation of Photon Energy by Planck's Method

The motion of the photon is affected by the motion of its source, Electron, and must include all types of motion of its source. So, the photon has a three-dimensional motion, including a transition movement and a rotary motion. And it traverses in a helical trajectory. By using this definition, we have proved wave-particle duality at the same time and introduce a new equation for the photon energy. On the other hand, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the calculation of energy by Planck's method is an experimental calculation concerning the scattering of light on the black body and the calculation of change of temperature that naturally a quantity of energy is absorbed by the black body. In this method which is an experimental and laboratory method for which there is a mathematical method which is as follows: The photon that emits from a source and whose energy decreases, what remains of it is the same energy that Planck has calculated: Energy calculated by Planck = Initial energy - Energy consumed on the way.

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Authors Saleh, Gh.
Publish Date 29 August 2022
Present Oral
Abbreviation CIPANP 2022

Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics

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