Proof of a New Fundamental Particle Called Cidtonium by Using White Dwarfs and Black Holes
In the universe if we look at white dwarfs, magnetars, black holes, etc., the density range of these objects is 10^14 to 10^20 kg/m3. As we know, the nature of these objects is no longer atomic, but their structure has been broken and they do not have the previous atomic structure, in fact, these are atomic nuclei (nucleons) that are placed together and create high density. And if we look at elements such as iron, lead, and mercury, we find that the density of mercury is higher than all of them, but its hardness is much less than the others. In fact, it can be said that sometimes an element has a higher density, but it has a much lower hardness and compression. Or, for example, compressed woods have high hardness, but a lower density. In fact, it can be said that sometimes the density is high, but the hardness and compression are low, and sometimes it is even the opposite. So every object that exists in the universe has a specific density, specific hardness, and specific compression that these three items are not necessarily equivalent, and sometimes it would be contrariwise. In the Big Bang phenomenon, if we consider the photon as its constituent particle, according to the above result and the calculations, we can say that a particle called Photon can not be the particle we are looking for that can create the Big Bang phenomenon. In this paper we will introduce a particle that has the ability to create the Big Bang phenomenon.

American Physical Society