
Proving the Manner of End of the Universe by Using Mathematical and Physical Calculations and the Hubble’s Law

Given that the universe originated from the Big Bang, an explosive event, it can be inferred that the universe continues to expand. Considering the universe's rotational and linear motions, we can formulate equations of motion for the cosmos. Additionally, we have estimated the initial energy released from the Big Bang explosion. A portion of this energy is utilized in the formation of galaxies and stars, and the ‏amount of initial energy is reduced. Thus, it can be concluded that the universe's linear velocity decreases over time, eventually reaching zero. At this point, the rotational energy peaks. Using these energy dynamics, we propose that approximately 29 billion years after the Big Bang, the universe will reach a state of stagnation, where its linear velocity becomes zero and its rotational velocity reaches its maximum, causing the universe to revert to its initial state.

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Authors Gh. Saleh
Publish Date 13 September 2024
Present Oral
Abbreviation ASJ-A-2024

Astronomical Society of Japan

Proving the Manner of End of the Universe by Using Mathematical and Physical Calculations and the Hubble’s Law Download PDF
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