
Sphericity and rotation of the universe and the Hubble's law

Cosmologists have been severely studying this mystery that universe is round or flat, because it's one that can tell us about the fundamental nature of the universe. In this paper we are going to proof that the universe is spherical and it has rotational motion by means of the Hubble's law. First, we assume that the universe is spherical. Of course, considering the Big Bang explosion at the beginning of the creation of the universe, the most probable, physical and logical form for the universe would be spherical. On the other hand, everything in the universe, from the smallest to the largest, is spherical, such as electrons, atoms, the moon, the earth, the sun, etc. So, it is very likely that the universe is also spherical too. By using this assumption, we wrote the equation for velocity of any object in the universe, which consists of two parts: a rotational part and a linear part. Then, by comparing this equation with Hubble's law, we will conclude that the velocity which calculated by Hubble is the rotational part of this equation and this shows that the universe is spherical and rotating.

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Authors Saleh, Gh.
Publish Date 02 August 2022
Present Poster
Abbreviation IAUGA 2022

International Astronomical Union

Sphericity and rotation of the universe and the Hubble's law Download PDF
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