Superstring Theory & The Structure of Electron, Proton and Neutron
In the case of superstring theory, consistency requires spacetime to have at least 11 dimensions and everything in the Universe is made up of supersymmetric strings. So the electron, proton and neutron must be made of them. In this paper we have proved that the photon could have the both. The generator of photon, electron, has rotational motions around itself and around the nuclei, so the photon also must have different external motions. The external motion of photon consists of a forward motion (3D) with a velocity equal to C and a rotational motion (2D) with various gyroradius which causes photon to be seen in various colors. The photon has internal motions too, which includes vibrational (3D), which leads photons to have small movements in the space and circular (3), which leads them to moves along an indirect, closed, and tiny path. So, if we look at the internal motion of the photon, we will find out the photon in its tiny motions, builds supersymmetric strings. And all motions of photon could be defined in 11 dimensions. The electron is define as an array of photons that rotate on the surface of an imaginary sphere without any central nucleus and the proton as a dense compact globe filled up of photons with a radius three times smaller than that of an electron. Neutron is a sphere with the proton core, electron shell and an empty space. By this identification we could easily explain a lot of problems in physics like: decay, strong interaction, weak interaction, etc.

American Physical Society