
The justification of the sphericity and the rotation of the Universe by Hubble's law

After the Big Bang, all the Universe particles have been released by the initial energy and ejected in a projectile motion. In other words, due to the projectile motion of the Big Bang, an initial energy have been given to the particles and they have been ejected at a very high speed and after billions of years or at the same time the homogeneity of the Universe, they have reached a relative equilibrium and after it. At the moment of Big Bang, there was another type of motion, namely rotational motion. In this motion, the rotational velocity depends on two parameters: angular velocity (�) and rotational radius(r). By using of these two type of motion, the general calculation equation of the Universe velocity can be write. In this paper, based on the this relation and comparing it with Hubble's law equation, it can be said that Hubble's law calculates the rotational velocity of galaxies around the center of the Universe and also proves that the Universe is spherical and rotates.

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Authors Saleh, Gh.
Publish Date 08 January 2023
Present Poster
Abbreviation AAS 241

American Astronomical Society

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