
The outward/inward nature of black holes and their structure (beyond the standard model)

Knowing that the density of a black hole is high, we can conclude that in a black hole there is a compact set of protons and neutrons that it creates such a high density and taking into account that a black hole has a surrounding area and this area can be oceans of protons and neutrons. One can also imagine the black hole as an extremely large atom whose nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and an ocean of protons and neutrons and electrons revolving around it. On the other hand, black holes can be created in the several ways such as creation by the celestial clouds (nebulae) and creation of black holes after the Big Bang and a little after the Big Bang. In this paper, we are going to explain nature and structure of black holes and the ways to create black holes.

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Authors Gh. Saleh
Publish Date 29 August 2022
Present Oral
Abbreviation CIPANP 2022

Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics

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