The Possibility of Proven of Existence the Speed Faster Than Light by Using 7 Strong Reasons in the Universe
There are different reasons that demonstrate that the speed of an object could be more than the speed of light "C". We explain the first one here and the rest in full article. 1. Speed faster than light by Hubble's law: The observable boundary of universe is 1024 km. By Hubble's formula, we perceive that the galaxies which located at this distance are currently moving at a speed faster than the "C". V=H0D=72(kms.Mpc)?1024km=8.6?109kmh>>C 2. Speed faster than light at the initial moments after the Big Bang 3. Speed faster than light by using the Blueshift (Redshift) 4. Speed faster than light by data from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) 5. Lack of reason that prove the impossibility of having the speed faster than light 6. Speed faster than light by using the ratio between rotation period and the lifespan 7. Speed faster than light by using the constancy of universe angular velocity

Physical Society of Japan