
The real linear and rotational velocity of the universe and its radius

Astronomers always study and calculate the velocities in the universe and they are looking for the values of these velocities in the universe, but they have never been able to get a real value for them. In this paper we are going to calculate the real linear and rotational velocity of the universe and its radius. At the beginning of the Big Bang, the universe expanded more quickly and then reached a relative equilibrium and then the objects are moving at their specific velocity relative to their distance from the center of the universe. In this paper we are going to find real velocity of the universe. By assuming the universe is spherical we have written the equation for velocity of any celestial object in the universe, which consists of two parts: a rotational part and a linear part. The value of the linear part can be obtained by using the energy released in the Big Bang moment, and its rotating part can also be obtained from Hubble's law. We will also use the linear velocity to calculate the real radius of the universe.

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Authors Saleh, Gh.
Publish Date 12 September 2022
Present Poster
Abbreviation AG meeting 2022

German Astronomical Society

The real linear and rotational velocity of the universe and its radius Download PDF The real linear and rotational velocity of the universe and its radius Play video
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