The Relationship Between the Wavelength and Evanescent Intensity of a Wave in Optical Fiber and the Explanation of the Structure of Photon as a New Atom in Saleh Theory
In the last years evanescent wave biosensors have become standard and useful tools for the study of biomolecular interactions. There are various items that can affect evanescent wave and one of the important ones is the wavelength. The penetration of the evanescent wave increases linearly with the wavelength and in this paper we explain the reason of penetration variation of the evanescent wave due to wavelength, in order to design better biosensors. The other study that we are going to present in this paper is about a new atom. We describe the structure of Electron, Proton and Neutron and according that structure, the smallest unit of Electrons, Protons and Neutrons, and in other words the entire universe, is Photon. On the other hand, the smallest quantity of an element that retains the unique properties of that element is an atom or it can be said that the atom is the smallest unit in which matter is divided into. Saleh Theory believes that the "photon", in the true sense of the word, could be called the new atom, which is the building block of all material in the universe.

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