
Time of the Universe from Beginning to End and its Calculation (from Big Bang to Big Bang)

Considering that the universe was created from the Big Bang phenomenon and the Big Bang is an explosive process, it can be said that the universe continues to expand after the big bang and the galaxies move away from each other. According to the motions of the universe which includes the rotational motion that is proved by Hubble's law and that of linear which is a motion with negative acceleration, the equations of motion can be written for the universe. On the other hand, we have calculated the initial energy released from the Big Bang explosion by Monte Carlo technique and the amounts of 10^110 joules was obtained. Some of this energy is used for creation of the galaxies and stars and the amount of initial energy is reduced. So, it can be said that the linear velocity of the world decreases with the passage of time and reaches zero at the end, and when the amount of linear energy becomes zero, the rotational energy achieves its maximum. At this point the universe starts to return to its initial point. In this paper, we will explain these motions and mechanism and we will calculate all the parameters related to that.

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Authors Gh. Saleh
Publish Date 20 March 2023
Present Poster
Abbreviation APS March 2023

American Physical Society

Time of the Universe from Beginning to End and its Calculation (from Big Bang to Big Bang) Download PDF Time of the Universe from Beginning to End and its Calculation (from Big Bang to Big Bang) Play video
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