Virtual Waves Creation, Its Negative Effects and Telescopes Design with Low-Defect
In 1929, Hubble presented the observational evidence for one of science's greatest discoveries the expanding universe. Hubble showed that galaxies are receding away from us with a velocity that is proportional to their distance from us: more distant galaxies recede faster than nearby galaxies. Hubble's classic graph of the observed velocity vs. distance for nearby galaxies is presented in graph which this graph has become a scientific landmark that is regularly reproduced in astronomy textbooks. The graph reveals a linear relation between galaxy velocity (v) and its distance (d): v =H.D .
On the other hand, the observable boundary of universe is 1024km. If we set that in the Hubble's formula, we perceive that the galaxies which located at this distance are currently moving at a speed faster than the speed of light.

Redshift and Blueshift phenomenon cause deviation in our perceptions, it is a real phenomenon in the universe. It means that this phenomenon has an effect in the universe and it happens and has a real existence. Now suppose we have a galaxy which has 1025 meters distance from us. The possibility of Redshift and Blueshift phenomena is very high. According to Hubble's law, it can be shown:

Therefore, if the distance between the observer and the desired object would be 1025 to 1026 meters, the phenomenon of Redshift or Blueshift occurs, in which the frequency of visible lights will change but they are in range of visible light yet. If the speed exceeds 0.3 times of the speed of light, there is a strong possibility that it cannot be seen in the visible light range. This means that the waves are emitted in range of visible and reach the observer, but the observer does not perceive it.
For better understanding suppose that we work with x-rays telescope. It is a special telescope that is designed for observing x-rays. Therefore, it collects these specific wave ranges of space and probes them. The waves observed by this telescope, which made errors due to the redshift and blueshift phenomena, can be divided into the following 3 categories:
1. If the blueshift phenomenon has affected that wave, the observed waves have been actually in the range of visible light, but we perceive them as x-rays.
2. Sometimes the effect of the redshift phenomenon on the real gravity waves causes these waves to be observed in the x-ray range.
3. Real x-rays, which are really in the range of x-rays, can be seen in the other range (even infrared waves range). In fact, our x-rays have disappeared and we cannot observe them.
According to these contents, it can be said that most of the waves that we perceive are affected by the Redshift and Blueshift phenomenon and the observers will definitely make an error. This error causes about 70% of the received waves to be different from their reality.
I. Design and manufacturing of low-defect telescopes based on wavelength
The receiver sensor should be sensitive to “λ” instead of frequency.

This type of receiver sensor gives us a real image that does not have the error of virtual waves, and also gives us radio waves, micro waves, infrared waves, visible waves, ultraviolet waves, X-rays, gravity waves simultaneously, and there is no need for different telescopes. Therefore, you can get a versatile telescope at a reasonable price.
1. This telescope could receive original and real waves
2. The received waves do not include virtual waves or waves that have low shift or high shift due to the phenomenon of Redshift or Blueshift.
3. The accuracy of receipts and calculations increases to about 90% and the error is reduced to less than 10%.
4. Strong and huge telescopes can be built on the ground and the difficulty of sending telescopes into space is reduced.
5. All the waves in the universe can be received with this method without deficiency, and the universe can be observed with only one telescope.
6. The cost of producing telescopes will be reduced to less than 20% of the current cost
7. Maintenance of telescopes becomes convenient, easy and inexpensive due to their availability.