We do not have a speed faster than light, but we do have a speed faster than light
Considering that photon is the smallest and lightest particle in the world, definitely no moving object will reach its speed.
But sometimes, in certain conditions, in certain situations and places, the speed of light can be exceeded. For instance, the speed of the galaxies which are located at the edges of the Universe.
They are currently moving at a speed higher than the speed of light, or the speed of particles during the Big Bang explosion, etc.
In the following, we will name some examples of the reasons for the existence of speed faster than of light, which have been proven in previous articles of Saleh Theory.
1- Speed Faster Than Light by Hubble's Law:
2- Speed Faster than Light by Using the Blueshift (Redshift):
3- Speed Faster than Light by Data from Hubble Space Telescope (HST):
4- Speed Faster than Light by Using the Ratio between Rotation Period and the Lifespan:
5- Speed Faster than Light by Using the Constancy of Universe Angular Velocity:
6- Speed Faster than Light by Using the Gravitation of Black Holes: