
APS Prairie Section Fall 2022 Meeting

Start date 13 October 2022
End date 15 October 2022
Location USA,APS
APS PS 2022


APS PS 2022

A New Explanation for the Big Bang Mechanism from Creation to Explosion

A New Explanation for the Big Bang Mechanism from Creation to Explosion Download PDF A New Explanation for the Big Bang Mechanism from Creation to Explosion Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
APS PS 2022

A new explanation for universe structure

A new explanation for universe structure Download PDF A new explanation for universe structure Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
APS PS 2022

New explanation for calculating energy by Planck's method (higher energy equals higher frequency)

New explanation for calculating energy by Planck's method (higher energy equals higher frequency) Download PDF New explanation for calculating energy by Planck's method (higher energy equals higher frequency) Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
Saleh Theory Articles in Saleh Theory articles indexed in:
NASA/ADS Read more
Harvard University Read more
Harvard University
Google Scholar Read more
Google Scholar
By Gh. Saleh Read more
By Gh. Saleh