The Principle of the Superiority of n Times of Empty Space to Full Space (Mass) in Atoms, Systems, Galaxies, Skies, etc. (108 < n <1030)
If we calculate the ratio of the volume of empty space to the space full of mass in atom or a system like solar system we found that from the smallest possible structure (which is the atoms) to the largest (which is the universe), the calculations clearly show that the empty space is always bigger than the full space (mass) and the ratio of Empty space to full space is 99.99%. In fact, we can say that the empty space will always have extremely large numbers compared to the full space. If you pay attention to the obtained numbers, you will find that this ratio has a tolerance of 108 to 1030. Therefore, we can say that the empty space or the same space is equal to 10n compared to the full space or the same mass, and n is variable between 8 and 30.

American Physical Society