
Four Corners Section 2022 Meeting

Start date 14 October 2022
End date 15 October 2022
Location USA,APS
APS 4CS 2022


APS 4CS 2022

Design and manufacturing of UFOs by creating high-frequency magnetic fields or manufacturing of artificial anti-gravity

Design and manufacturing of UFOs by creating high-frequency magnetic fields or manufacturing of artificial anti-gravity Download PDF Design and manufacturing of UFOs by creating high-frequency magnetic fields or manufacturing of artificial anti-gravity Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
APS 4CS 2022

New Calculation of the Time of the Universe from Beginning to End a) Towards Fire b) To Coldness c) From Big Bang to Big Bang

New Calculation of the Time of the Universe from Beginning to End a) Towards Fire b) To Coldness c) From Big Bang to Big Bang Download PDF New Calculation of the Time of the Universe from Beginning to End a) Towards Fire b) To Coldness c) From Big Bang to Big Bang Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
Saleh Theory Articles in Saleh Theory articles indexed in:
NASA/ADS Read more
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Harvard University
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By Gh. Saleh Read more
By Gh. Saleh