
22nd Annual Meeting of the APS Northwest Section

Start date 03 June 2022
End date 03 June 2022
Location Canada ,Thompson Rivers University, British Columbia
APS NWS 2022


APS NWS 2022

A great revolution in producing affordable, abundant, convenient and clean energy so that one kilogram of it, could supply the power of moving a machine for years

A great revolution in producing affordable, abundant, convenient and clean energy so that one kilogram of it, could supply the power of moving a machine for years Download PDF A great revolution in producing affordable, abundant, convenient and clean energy so that one kilogram of it, could supply the power of moving a machine for years Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
APS NWS 2022

Calculating the Gravitational Frequency of Universe

Calculating the Gravitational Frequency of Universe Download PDF Calculating the Gravitational Frequency of Universe Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
APS NWS 2022

New discovery about the nature of neutrinos and their structure

New discovery about the nature of neutrinos and their structure Download PDF New discovery about the nature of neutrinos and their structure Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
Saleh Theory Articles in Saleh Theory articles indexed in:
NASA/ADS Read more
Harvard University Read more
Harvard University
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By Gh. Saleh Read more
By Gh. Saleh