
11th International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics

Start date 07 July 2022
End date 09 July 2022
Location Saint-Etienne, France
ICEMP 2022


ICEMP 2022

A new theory to explain the dark energy (based on the Monte Carlo technique)

A new theory to explain the dark energy (based on the Monte Carlo technique) Download PDF A new theory to explain the dark energy (based on the Monte Carlo technique) Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
ICEMP 2022

The invisible rotational motions of the universe, the solution for the problem of the accelerating expansion

The invisible rotational motions of the universe, the solution for the problem of the accelerating expansion Download PDF The invisible rotational motions of the universe, the solution for the problem of the accelerating expansion Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
Saleh Theory Articles in Saleh Theory articles indexed in:
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Harvard University
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By Gh. Saleh Read more
By Gh. Saleh