
23rd Annual Meeting of the APS Northwest Section

Start date 20 October 2023
End date 22 October 2023
Location APS,USA
APS NWS 2023


APS NWS 2023

New Explanation for Why Black Holes Are Invisible

New Explanation for Why Black Holes Are Invisible Download PDF New Explanation for Why Black Holes Are Invisible Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
APS NWS 2023

Proof of a New Fundamental Particle Called Cidtonium by Using White Dwarfs and Black Holes

Proof of a New Fundamental Particle Called Cidtonium by Using White Dwarfs and Black Holes Download PDF Proof of a New Fundamental Particle Called Cidtonium by Using White Dwarfs and Black Holes Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
Saleh Theory Articles in Saleh Theory articles indexed in:
NASA/ADS Read more
Harvard University Read more
Harvard University
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Google Scholar
By Gh. Saleh Read more
By Gh. Saleh