
APS March Meeting 2021

Start date 15 March 2021
End date 19 March 2021
Location APS , USA
APS March 2021


APS March 2021

A new explanation for the color variety of Photons and the continuous coordination between wavelength, amplitude and frequency

A new explanation for the color variety of Photons and the continuous coordination between wavelength, amplitude and frequency Download PDF A new explanation for the color variety of Photons and the continuous coordination between wavelength, amplitude and frequency Play video Authors Saleh, Gh.; Faraji, M. J.; Alizadeh, Reza; Abdi Shahshahani, Mehdi; Karimi Ansari, Adel Date Location
Saleh Theory Articles in Saleh Theory articles indexed in:
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Harvard University
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By Gh. Saleh Read more
By Gh. Saleh