
International Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society 2022

Start date 12 September 2022
End date 16 September 2022
Location Bremen , Germany
AG meeting 2022


AG meeting 2022

Mathematical and physical proof of the time of beginning and end of the universe, from Big Bang to Big Bang

Mathematical and physical proof of the time of beginning and end of the universe, from Big Bang to Big Bang Download PDF Mathematical and physical proof of the time of beginning and end of the universe, from Big Bang to Big Bang Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
AG meeting 2022

Mathematical description of Hubble's experimental law

Mathematical description of Hubble's experimental law Download PDF Mathematical description of Hubble's experimental law Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
AG meeting 2022

The real linear and rotational velocity of the universe and its radius

The real linear and rotational velocity of the universe and its radius Download PDF The real linear and rotational velocity of the universe and its radius Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
Saleh Theory Articles in Saleh Theory articles indexed in:
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Harvard University
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By Gh. Saleh Read more
By Gh. Saleh