
JPS Spring Meeting 2024

Start date 18 March 2024
End date 21 March 2024
Location Virtual,Japan
JPS-SM 2024


JPS-SM 2024

A New Description for the Creation of Galaxies in the Universe

A New Description for the Creation of Galaxies in the Universe Download PDF A New Description for the Creation of Galaxies in the Universe Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
JPS-SM 2024

A New Equation for Calculating the Energy of Electromagnetic Waves

A New Equation for Calculating the Energy of Electromagnetic Waves Download PDF A New Equation for Calculating the Energy of Electromagnetic Waves Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
JPS-SM 2024

The Possibility of Proven of Existence the Speed Faster Than Light by Using 7 Strong Reasons in the Universe

The Possibility of Proven of Existence the Speed Faster Than Light by Using 7 Strong Reasons in the Universe Download PDF The Possibility of Proven of Existence the Speed Faster Than Light by Using 7 Strong Reasons in the Universe Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
Saleh Theory Articles in Saleh Theory articles indexed in:
NASA/ADS Read more
Harvard University Read more
Harvard University
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Google Scholar
By Gh. Saleh Read more
By Gh. Saleh