
New England Section Fall 2023 Meeting

Start date 20 October 2023
End date 21 October 2023
Location APS,USA
APS NEF 2023


APS NEF 2023

New Explanation About the Creation of Galaxies

New Explanation About the Creation of Galaxies Download PDF New Explanation About the Creation of Galaxies Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
APS NEF 2023

New Proof to Confirm the Correct Law, Hubble's law, Using Physical and Mathematical Laws

New Proof to Confirm the Correct Law, Hubble's law, Using Physical and Mathematical Laws Download PDF Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
APS NEF 2023

A New Explanation for the Motion of Photon; The Nested Helical Motion

A New Explanation for the Motion of Photon; The Nested Helical Motion Download PDF A New Explanation for the Motion of Photon; The Nested Helical Motion Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
APS NEF 2023

Calculation of Gravitational Waves Frequency and Its Nature, Structure and Application

Calculation of Gravitational Waves Frequency and Its Nature, Structure and Application Download PDF Calculation of Gravitational Waves Frequency and Its Nature, Structure and Application Play video Authors Saleh, Gh. Date Location
APS NEF 2023

Proving the Helical Motion of the Photon with Ten Reasons

Proving the Helical Motion of the Photon with Ten Reasons Download PDF Proving the Helical Motion of the Photon with Ten Reasons Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
APS NEF 2023

The Possibility of Introducing Photon as String by Several Reasons

The Possibility of Introducing Photon as String by Several Reasons Download PDF The Possibility of Introducing Photon as String by Several Reasons Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
APS NEF 2023

The Theory of Everything and Its New Mathematical and Physical Explanation

The Theory of Everything and Its New Mathematical and Physical Explanation Download PDF The Theory of Everything and Its New Mathematical and Physical Explanation Play video Authors Gh. Saleh Date Location
Saleh Theory Articles in Saleh Theory articles indexed in:
NASA/ADS Read more
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Harvard University
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By Gh. Saleh Read more
By Gh. Saleh